[su_heading size=”22″]Copyright Policy – www.allmoneytips.com[/su_heading]
If you like our Content and want to make a link exchange with www.allmoneytips.com, (“CYBER EXPO”) then you need to follow our Copyright Policy please read all instruction carefully.
- First contact our admin for making any type of link Exchange, Any type of linking or reproducing the content of our website.
- After verifying your Request, if we provide proper permission then you can go for next step of publishing article or content into your websites.
- Please make sure that we don’t provide the permission for copying our full content, you can just copy one paragraph line else it will be marked as policy violence of our Copyright policy.
- After publishing our content’s one paragraph you have made a full indication that the Content is owned and driven from www.allmoneytips.com (“CYBER EXPO”) and you must assign a Credit to www.allmoneytips.com, (“CYBER EXPO”)
- You can’t use any image, video or Media Files from our website – www.allmoneytips.com,(“CYBER EXPO”)
- You can’t use our social media like a Facebook page in your websites or as a widget.
- after publishing article Send us your article link [Permalink].
NOTE: Please obey all our copyright rules and policies, or else the difficulty is yours. we may submit complaint against your websites to your advertising partners like Google Adsense / Chitika and DMCA department of their web hosting company.